In early 2020 the threat of COVID-19 entered Australia. The country went into lockdown and messages to promote good hygiene and proper hand washing methods flooded the public. It was made clear to everyone that one way to fight the spread of disease was to be mindful of hygienic practices. Australia was one of the few countries that were successful in getting ahead of the spread of the virus, and we did so by adopting safe procedures and installing facilities that stopped the spread.
However, this is not the case in most parts of the world, in their 2021 Autumn newsletter, WaterAid Australia outlines the global crisis linked to inadequate handwashing facilities:

As a response to the threat of COVID and the promise to help build healthier, happier communities, Civiq designed and manufactured the Aquafil FlexiWash. The sensor-activated handwashing station helps safeguard communities from cross-contamination and sickness. One of the challenges our team wanted to address was that hand-washing facilities were limited to kitchens and bathrooms, this meant that people had to go out of their way to practice good hygiene and stop the spread of disease. Having a stand-alone handwashing station product like the FlexiWash meant that handwashing could now be done outside libraries, in school playgrounds, and in public parks amongst other places making handwashing easier to practice for the community as a result of it being more accessible.

Dubbo College – South Campus recognised the importance of promoting good hygiene within their campus and installed 12 Aquafil FlexiWash units around their campus. They addressed the need of their staff and students and made sure that their campus was equipped with the proper facilities to make it easy to access handwashing stations to stop the spread of any disease.