Kempsey High School New Drinking Water Station
Water is important and we need to ensure we drink enough. We need to drink during exercise when it is hot and definitely when we feel thirsty. It is important to give our kids unlimited access to an adequate supply of clean fresh drinking water and what better source is there than good old tap water? But how do we encourage our kids to drink water and at the same time educate them on the health and environmental benefits of utilising tap water?
The trick is in the delivery. Make it fun, educational and at the same time give them the sense of being part of building a positive sustainable environment for a better tomorrow.
The Aquafil range of Drinking Fountains and Water Refilling Stations serve as a dynamic educational tool in the fight to reduce plastic waste and conserve precious resources. Full colour graphics are available on most of the Aquafil™ range and are a valuable educational tool in helping promote a sustainable way of living and encouraging a healthy lifestyle.
Kempsey High School Teacher, Mark Baxter, has this to say about the Aquafil drinking fountain and water refilling station installed at the campus
“Kempsey High School students have flocked to the new filtered water bubbler and spoken to me frequently on how much better the water tastes, and how they want another one on the other side of the School”, he said.
“Our HSC science teacher takes samples around the school for her students to observe bacteria on the petri dish. She took samples from the old bubblers, which revealed 5 beautifully coloured bacteria growing after some days incubating. This was compared with samples from the new filtered water bubbler …….. ZERO reading on the petri dish!
“So thank you, thank you, and thank you from the 500 students at Kempsey High School, NEEDLESS TO SAY, BECAUSE THE STUDENTS ARE DRINKING MORE WATER we have less temper tantrums and less headaches. I gave the students literature on how ‘dehydration’ can lead to serious diseases…. it is extremely important…. can’t thank you enough for making this technology available to us!
We are saving up to get another one.”